The Instructor’s Manual for Microeconomic Foundations I is a webpage giving links to chapter-by-chapter pdfs. Each of these pdfs provides (1) a brief discussion of the chapter from the perspective of an instructor (essentially, how I’ve tried to teach the material), (2) any suggestions I can offer on which problems to assign, based on pedagogical objectives, and (3) solutions to the problems that are not solved in the Student’s Guide.
If you wish to obtain access to the Instructor’s Manual, please continue to read and follow the directions given.
Access to the Instructor’s Manual is limited bona fide instructors of courses who are employing the book as a text. I recognize that individuals may wish to see solutions to problems not otherwise solved in the Student’s Guide, but that Guide contains enough solutions so that I feel a broader pedagogical purpose may be served by keeping the solutions of the rest of the problems “under wraps.”
If you ask for access, you do so agreeing to the following conditions of use:
- You will not make access available to students or to teaching assistants.
- You may make physical copies of the Manual only for your own use, with the following exception: you may make copies of the solutions to individual problems and distribute them to students (and TAs), but if you do this, you will include the copyright/permissions notice that appears on the first page of each chapter, and you will impress upon students that they should use the solutions for their own use only; they should not post or copy or distribute solutions for the use of others. (A formal statement to this effect should be included with the copyright notice.)
- Your use of access will be monitored. If I see a pattern of usage that suggests you are allowing others to access the Manual via your account, your access will be terminated. I will try to email you with a warning about this, asking for an explanation of the usage pattern. But I retain the right to terminate access at my discretion.
If you agree to these conditions and want access, please submit the following Access Request form.
Include your full name, email, and give the particulars of your situation: what is your institutional affiliation; what course are you teaching that uses the book; and so forth.
Assuming everything checks out, you will receive an email confirming your WordPress registration on this site. Once signed in, you will be able to access the Instructor’s Manual and its assets.